Sunday, June 04, 2006

La Quiero Mucho

Why the silence? Is the family Suave in peril? Is the author of this blog suffering blogger's block? Has the Pepinoville Board of Education silenced our dear pickled friend? Does the drought in entries spell the end of the oft-maligned Pepino Suave Blog? What is the price of tea in China?
No, sweet reader of mine, no. No to all the above questions, save the last (to which I say, "I don't know, ask the good people of Lipton who buy their tea leaves cheap from the Orient").
'Tis rumor and speculation that has forecast the demise of the Pepino Suave Blog, a project of Bob the Gorila's Mobile Laboratory of Yippee-Skippee Games, Songs, and Stories. Seems some folks can't give a guy a few weeks of toss-off quotation entries and cheesy jokes. The reader is both the writer's muse and his curse. Curse the muse, I say.
No, the blog and it's author are alive and well. In fact, the dry-spell was initiated by Pepino Suave's (If I may speak in third person. Oops. If he may speak in third person...) tenth anniversary tour with his child bride, Pepina (of Inky fame. See side bar for link. Ink's Link. I like it. ). Yes, darling Pepina and I traveled the path of our courtship: from the boutiqued streets of Ann Arbor, to the crumbling streets of Detroit, and on to the fish-strewn beach of Lake Erie where I made the best proposition of my life, and then to St. Clair, where we rented the same room above the bar as we did on our wedding night. I think it was the same band as ten years ago, as well. The room charge wasn't the same.
Yes, we left li'l Pepinita with Bompa and Abuelita, and hit the road. Just the two of us, our memories, and a CD player full of tunes now refered to as "classics" (when did Devo become a classic?).
Besides the CDs, we took our marriage journals with us, a kind of counseling exercise we began about 8 years ago after our third marriage (I'll explain that in a future entry). We re-read some of our old entries and laughed our stomachs sore. Our thoughts from a few years back were telling. One in particular rang true for me: years ago Pepina recorded the advice that Father Sayers gave to us - that at the time of our wedding we would love each other the least. The Padre knew his stuff, for a guy who'll never be married.
I love Pepina more than I did ten years ago. I don't love her half as much as I will if blessed with ten more years.


P.Suave, esposo de Pepina


Anonymous said...

Nice entry. Now I have throw-up in my mouth. Wait 5 more years and see how it tickles your pickle.
Of course I'm joking. Rose loves me more today than she did the day I married her. So do I.
I'm off to see the Wizard,
El hombre y amigo.

Pepino Suave said...

Thanks, er, for the kind words. May your pickle be tickled years from now, too.
Pepino Out

PD Hermano Grande is coming to town tomorrow night. I think he got wind that Bob el Gorila is running for office.

RC HAMMER said...

!!!Yippee Skippee Pepino Suave!!! Eschoole es out in uno dias.???Como si dice out y in in Espanlol??? Pepino out... !ha ha ha! ???Como si dice hammer in Espanlol???
Hammer out.

RC Hammer