Saturday, August 26, 2006

Diet of a Monk

The Diet of a Monk works on two principles:

1. If it tastes good, spit it out.
2. If a rabbit wouldn't eat it, niether should you.

We'd like to thank my father, Bompa Suave, for his contributions to this entry.


P. Sano Suave


MamaLlama said...

I think that I'd like the Fulbright diet: 1. If it is yummy and you can't get it at home-eat it while you can. This applies to chocolate digestive biscuits (yummy!), jaffa cakes, areobars etc.

RC HAMMER said...

... ?Chiste or no chiste?

Coco Loco

Anonymous said...

k onda profe!
heheheh acaa saludando desde mex. durango....oiga mr. no tiene pensado volver para aca pa durango??.........bueno ahi se lo dejo como tarea ...
adio0o0o0o0s... =)=)
atte ..DaViD 3G EST1

Pepino Suave said...

How are you?
Say hello to everyone in your group (3B?)