Did I tell you about the time I set Casi Italiano's head afire?
America decides: if you want to hear about my brother's burning coco, comment below. Don't want to wast your time. If atleast five americans, or ten of foreign origin, comment requesting the narrative, I will oblige. No comments? More cut and past articles about American education issues. So there.
Esperando su respuesta,
P. "Fosforo" Suave
I vote "yes". Your exploits are facinating and your hermano seems fascinating. Why did you abuse him so? Escribe and escribe more.
Si, por favor, quiero saber todo!
ML, missing NI! :)
?Que de tu hermano?
Queremos saber mas..
Tus fanaticas,
Lola, Beatrice, y Minerva
Escriba mas, Peppy.
Desde Paris,
Fi Fi
?Que de tu hermano?
Presidente Bush
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