Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cabeza Quemada

Did I tell you about the time I set Casi Italiano's head afire?
America decides: if you want to hear about my brother's burning coco, comment below. Don't want to wast your time. If atleast five americans, or ten of foreign origin, comment requesting the narrative, I will oblige. No comments? More cut and past articles about American education issues. So there.

Esperando su respuesta,

P. "Fosforo" Suave


Anonymous said...

I vote "yes". Your exploits are facinating and your hermano seems fascinating. Why did you abuse him so? Escribe and escribe more.

MamaLlama said...

Si, por favor, quiero saber todo!
ML, missing NI! :)

Anonymous said...

?Que de tu hermano?
Queremos saber mas..

Tus fanaticas,

Lola, Beatrice, y Minerva

Anonymous said...

Escriba mas, Peppy.

Desde Paris,

Fi Fi

Anonymous said...

?Que de tu hermano?

Presidente Bush