Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blog Log (Debut)

As promised, Pepino Public, the worlds first pickled Blog Log:

1. Awoke
2. Checked for paper.
3. Went to the lavatory.
4. Checked for paper.
5. Fed cat and "dug for chunks" in cat's litter.
6. Heard a noise outside. Checked for paper.
7. Turned on computer, checked for paper as it booted.
8. Retrieved paper and saluted paperboy as he trudged up the street.
9. Read said paper as I ate Golden Grams knock-off. Aldi's brand, I think.
10. Put on paint clothes (my play clothes inside-out).
11. Painted
12. Painted some more.
13. Missed a spot.
14. Cleaned up
15. Off to YMCA. Watched VH1 show about entertainers as young as my students as I jogged on a treadmill. Didn't get anywhere.
16. Showered.
17. Entered Meijer Thrifty Acres to by stuff for the week.
18. Went to Menard's to buy more paint stuff.
19. Returned home
20. Ate GrapeNuts while watching YouTube. I focused on George Carlin religious bits tonight. My favorite is his compacting of the Ten Commandments into Two Easy To Remember Commandments ("Moses could of carried 'em down the mountain in his pocket, for Christ's sake!").
21. Wrote this/am writing this Blog Log about the day in the life of a Pepino whose family is sunning in Florida.

To our Florida readers: if you see Pepina or Li'l Pepinita, give them my best. So does La Gatita (we strive to protect our pet's anonymity), the fiercest feline in all of Cuke County. That cat has been running around this place like she's smoking the cat nip. She ran down the hallway as fast as she could, jumped onto the rug, and slid into the door. I woulda' paid to see that again. She won't repeat the feat.

El gallo pinto no pinta; el que pinta es el pintor,

Pepino Solito


Joe G said...

Tim, You appear very bored. Hope the wife and kid get back soon..

Anonymous said...

Bored? Paint and GrapeNuts, man. Crazy. I even used whole milk. Just like the old days.
See you in a few weeks Joe G.