Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Un Cuento

The entire Cuke County Community (called "Triple C", or "C Cubed", depending on what side of the county you reside) awaits the arrival of Pepinoville royalty, the Pepino Chicks. Bob the Gorila's Yippee Skippe Warehouse of Whatever has informed us that the P. Chicks have landed at the county airport, and are on their way home in the Pepino Express ll.
As we wait, we share with you the story that Blessed Breading's sixth graders crafted in Spanish class today:

Hay tres animales, un elefante, un gorilla, y un penguino. El Elefante come penguino nuggets. El gorilla come helado chocolate. El penguino come un waffle. Tres caballos caminan por el pueblo. Se sientan en una piedra grande. Los caballos cantan, "You Are My Sunshine". El elefante, el gorila, y el penguino gritan, "!Yikes, los caballos cantan!", y corren por Snap Finger Heights, Idaho.
[Translation: There are three animals, an elefant, a gorila, and a penguin. The elefant eats penguin nuggets. The gorila eats chocolate icecream. The penguin eats a waffle. Three horses walk toward town. They sit on a big rock. The horses sing, "You Are My Sunshine". The elefant, the gorila, and the penguin shout, "Yikes, the horses sing!", and run to Snap Finger Heights, Idaho.]

We hope you enjoyed the tale.

Un lector,

Profesor Suave


Anonymous said...

Hola Pepino Suave! Can I use the latest story in my paper for school?
Gracias! Rosa Rosada

Anonymous said...

Si, Rosa R., lo puedes publicar en tu periodico escolar.
Prof. Suave

RC HAMMER said...

!Ha ha! !Bob y Larry Suave! ?Quien es Bob?

Coco Loco