Saturday, March 31, 2007

BlogLog 3 - Vacation Edition

You asked for it, Suave Fans. Only here do we provide you with the ever-popular Pepino Sauve BlogLog - Vacation Edition. That's right, spring break began at 11:30 a.m. yesterday, when my little charges went charging out of the doors of Bob the Gorila's Home for Wayward Mocosos. To begin, I'll briefly log the morning, as the day has only just begun (does that make you hum a Carpenter's tune?), and then periodically BlogLog throughout our week of leisure:

6:15 Wake up breathing like an asthmatic, only to discover Anglela La Gata Diabolica, the inspiration of my first entry of vacation, sitting on my head.
6:16 Pad to the kitchen and fix a pot of coffee
6:19 Pad to the door to check for the paper, in vain (who am I kidding?)
6:23 Stretch in front of the t.v. As I do Pepino Yoga, I view an O.J. Simpson documentary on MSNBC, sip coffee, and avoid squashing a tenacious cat.
6:35 Inspired, I sit at the computer and begin my first entry of vacation, entitled, "La Gata Diabolica", literary candy about the family cat (see below), while checking for the morning paper every five minutes, in vain.
7:15 Succesfully retrieve the daily paper from the stoop, bring it into the office and finish this entry.

Stay tuned for more.

Leo el periodico,



Anonymous said...

8:42 Pepina awakes (cat on head) to the smell of coffee brewing, pancakes griddling, and listening to the chirps of Pepinita. Upon arousing from la cama, Pepina walks into the living room to find Pepino and Pepinita playing hide-and-seek from Pepina.
Vacation, all I ever wanted.

1 said...

i hope you do more of these becuase that was funny

RC HAMMER said...

Hola, Pepino Suave.

Usted tiene biene Spring Break.

RC Hammer
y a.k.a.
Coco Loco