Monday, October 10, 2005

Pirámides de Teotihuacan

Let me back up a couple of days. Pepino Suave fans around the world are scratching their heads. Millions of emails ask the same question, "Where did the Pepino clan spend Saturday in Mexico City?" Why, today`s entry will answer that burning question, and so many more:

Early Saturday morning we were met at the hotel by our friend Elsa, her two lovely daughters, a son-in-law, a cousin-in-law, his wife, and child. Our entourage left for the Teotihancan Pyramids (TP). Before you read further, repeat "Teotihacan Pyramids" five times. Bet you can´t.
The TP is located about 25 miles north-east of the city. It contains the ruins of the ancient Aztec civilization that the Spanish explorers stumbled upon some five hundred years ago. For more information, go to:
We spent the morning climbing the pyramids, walking amongst streets and building constructed thousands of years ago. Elsa and her family were wonderful tour guides. They were very well informed about their national heritage.
Once it began getting hot, our hosts took us for the mid-day "comida" at a nearby restaurant. The restaurant is a great attraction, not just because of its location near the ruins, but because it is housed in a giant cave. After dinner a series of Mexican folk dances were performed on a stage in front of us. The dances represented different regions of Mexico, and various periods of time in its history.

I´m late for class.

Hablamos despuès,
Pepino "Piràmides" Suave


Joe G said...

Great....I just got over the 2nd U of M loss I have sat through this season, thanks for reminding me!!!!!

U of M was good before Tim left the country.....You need to come back before the Ohio State game...

Anonymous said...

what are your names?
i from mexico
add me