Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bullet Points

  • The Pepino Suave telecommunications department (1-800-PEPINOS) has made a request that blog readers please stop calling for Rubia's Ambrosia recipe. Your calls have overwhelmed our operators, who are just as eager as you to get Rubia's recipe. We will post the altered recipe as soon as Rubia gets around to it. I think my dear cousin is on the phone. Rubia, if you are reading this, send the recipe as soon as possible. The world deserves to know.
  • It is raining down in Pepinoville. Thunder, too.
  • I interviewed a student-teacher candidate last week that was old enough to be my child, had I fathered a child just after adolescence and before my first real job. Pepino Viejo.
  • Why do some grown men enjoy lighting fireworks? Why can't these same men contain their pyromania for the appropriate holiday? Bangs and booms, and cracklings lose their novelty when you've been hearing them randomly since Martin Luther King holiday. The Fourth of July becomes just another noisy day. Instead of "bombs bursting in air", fireworks symbolize "money blown out the wazoo."
  • As I write these words, I am eating (strawberry) jelly toast. Sticky keyboard. My hats off to neighbor Cocinera, for her superb homemade perserves. Una marmelada deliciosa.

Esperando a Rubia,

Pepino Bailarin

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