Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hay Pero Que Calor

Today Cuke County is hotter n' a Jalapino, for crying out loud. 'Least its not real humid. Li'l Pepinita had a ball game right smack-dab in the middle of the afternoon. The hot, dusty breeze coming off the playing field dried the sweat a bit. Li'l Pepinita, after watching ever so careful for the perfect pitch, hit a nice foul ball down the first base line. She stopped a couple of balls, too, at short stop. Her team mates showed a lot of hustle in the heat. Her coaches are heroes, as far as we're concerned. Good folks.
Gotta go. Los Del Frente, our good neighbors, are calling me offering more strawberry jam, made fresh in their cocina. !Que dichoso yo! I'm off...

Mucha pelota,



RC HAMMER said...

mmm... Via Marmelde de Fresha!!!

RC Hammer / Coco Loco

Chinagirl411 said...

Wow Pepino Suave. It must have been sizzling hot.
