Sunday, August 06, 2006


The Cuke County heat wave drifted East two days ago. We have had dry (er), cool temperatures and have immensly enjoyed it. Our plans do not revolve around Where The Air Conditioning Is. You can only go to the library and the YPCA,and los abuelo's apartments so many days in a row.

The Suave clan took a bike ride on a local bike path two days ago, the first day of human-friendly weather. Yesterday we attended the outdoor birthday party of Calabacita, the sweet daughter of La Pastora and El Pastor, Los Pastores. There were poney rides, penny hunt in hay, and an icecream cake that puts the ice in cream. It was one of the finest social engagements of the Suave calendar year. In the evening, we went to the ball game. The Pepinoville Pickles played the Boogerville Loogies. We had great seats right behind home plate, thanks to Ingeniera and her mom and pops, Los Jardineros. They gave us their box tix, as they had other stuff to do. Mil gracias, to them. Bompa and Abuelita attended, as well. They scored standing room only tickets. They didn't even have to sit for the entire game. Bonus. We lost them after the third inning. We caught up to them after the eighth inning, walking to the car (it was parked in the next county), each carrying a loaf of the free bread which is traditionally handed out to each fan upon leaving the Pepinoville stadium.
Suave fans, stop by this week for bread pudding, french bread, various breaded meat products, various sandwich variations, or just to enjoy a slice of the spongy, encriched white substance. Nuestra casa es tu casa.
The Boogerville Loogies trounced the home team something like 9 to 0. It was a nice, cool night, though.

'ta fresco,
P. Suaaaaaaaaveeeeeee

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