Monday, September 05, 2005


The U.S. soccer team beat Mexico 2-0 on Sunday. Folks weren´t to happy with me in the staff room today. The US plays Guatamala, I think, this week.

Que Dios los bendiga,

PD The entry below contains an error. Actually all my entries seem to contain some kind of error. Give me a break, they charge 10 pesos and hour to use this computer. Consider all my entries drafts. Anyway, I said the ´comments´prompt is on the lower left of my entries. That is only when you are looking out from the computer. From where you are sitting, the comments prompt is on the lower right of my entries. Use it. Often.

PD2 Please don´t expect me to publish corrections often. Pepino Suave isn´t made of pesos.


Joe G said...

The US soccer team can probably beat the Lions.....

All kidding aside, playoffs this year....

Pepino Suave said...

Kerry, are you trying to sell something? Pepino Suave wasn´t born yesterday....

Joe, I could probably play for the lions.
Say hey to Pete.
See you at the Griffins game this winter.

Pepino Suave said...

Hey Killer D´s -
Chow, baby! How are tings? Hey if La Pepina invited you, the doors open. Our kids could run this town for awhile.

Hope you are all well, hope to see you soon, and hope to see some stuff on your blog, too.

Go blue, Peps