Sunday, September 11, 2005

Pepino Chicks

Ingrid and Talea arrived! Their plane came ten minutes before scheduled. They both look beautiful, tanned, and, well, beautiful. First thing Fidencio did was ask pardon from Ingrid for how miserable I looked. Thanks, pal.
This morning, I took my ladies to Talea´s school. They both agreed it would be a nice walk for them in the mornings. Then, as anyone would do when hosting visitors from abroad, I took them to Wallmart and we shopped ´till we dropped.
We´re going to watch soccer this afternoon. Talea loves her room. And Ink, upon seeing the apartment, kept repeating (you guessed it),¨"Oh my Gosh!". She is pleased. She rocks.

In this week´s entries your friend here in Durango, the distinguished Pepino Sauve, will fill you in on Talea´s first days at school, and Ingrid´s first days spreading her sunshine in la Valle Duranguense.

Stay put. We´ll be back.



Joe G said...

I typed my last comment the same time I received your "Pepino Chicks" article....Bizarre....Guess I can assume the family made it there..

In case your interested, the Lions are winning 7-0 2nd quarter. (It is 5:15 ETD)...

Pepino Suave said...

Querido DelStudso,
Forget about, my expat friend, you`re coming regardless. Ink is already checking out sites for the Iowa-Italian convention here in Durango.
I´ll have the Pepto on tap.

Hey, did the Lions end up winning?
-El Calvito

Pepino Suave said...

Oops, pardon amigo. That´s not Iowa-Italian connection. It´s they Idaho-Italian connection.
Mi mal,