Friday, November 25, 2005

Día de Acción de Gracias

Thanksgiving in Mexico was almost as good as at home, thanks to Ingrid. She roasted a 30kg turkey to perfection, whipped up potatoes creamier than butter, and cut a store-bought apple pie like a surgeon. Juan Daniel and his mom Elsa brought a great bottle of (German) wine and helped us devour the feast.

As I arrived to our apartment, I could smell the bounty from the elevator. Talea met me at the door excited and hungry. She and I went around the block to el supermercado Gigante to buy last minute groceries for the cook. Juan Daniel and Mom arrived within minutes of our return. After eating the bird and trimmings, we lounged around the sala watching football (American) and chatting about our experiences here.

Thursday and Friday are work days here. No holiday for these pilgrims. We spent a good part of the day and evening explaining to students and friends what Thanksgiving means to us and how the celebration began. As much as the Mexicans enjoy an incredible amount of holidays throughout the year, our Thanksgiving is truly unique and hard to compare to a Mexican equivalent.


Pepino Barrigón

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