Saturday, November 05, 2005

Pepino Suave

Buenas Tardes Amigos...

While Ink plays chess with my 7 year old Valentino, while Talea and Gabriella rearrange furniture as they play hide and seek, while Massimo creates yet another work of oragami to adorn the apartment, while Don Jose sleeps, I write.... Will apartment 902 ever be the same? God Bless the Fourniers for taking us all in!

After arriving at the conclusion that charter schools are the begnning of the end of the American public education system over drinks last breakfast we fully disclosed who uses and who chooses not to use underarm deodreant and why....we packed our ruck sacks and were off for the day to visit the various parks in Durango.

Un dia muy bonita....and feeling especially fit as I spent an hour with ingrid and las mujeres de durango in water fitness class last night. what a treat that one drowned as far as i could tell. looking forward to more class time this next week and hopefully some ´¨New York¨¨!

We thought we were going to draw and paint on the walls at Taleas school, but we think the janitor took a really long coffe break...manana, maybe. So we enjoyed the great outdoors in a huge park, watching the children swing - and fall off swings, play ball, chase the piegeons in the plaza (Bino we thought of you as we watched the pigeons!), .... all in all a great day.

Looking forward to more drama in Amor y Custdia, solving more of the worlds promblems over vampiros- what a cocktail!, and just leading the life of the Fourniers. And we´ve all got high hopes that Padre Andres will be saying mass in the morning.

Gracias Tio Tim for letting me blog...and for sharing apartment 903 with us for the week!

La Martita (Inks college buddy from JMU)

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