Friday, November 04, 2005


My third grade (equivalent to U.S. ninth grade) girls were all absent today. They attended a practice for a Special Olympics activity later this month. That left me with a Friday afternoon full of boys-only classes. Let me tell you, there was a lot less distraction. Some of the boys who spend my classes in a stupor where actually engaged and , believe it or not, were understanding my lesson. We had a ton of laughs because the anxiety level was so low - it was just us guys. My last class helped create the best story of the day. A summary:

There is a Chinese dinosaur named Tikitikitimbonosinimbopoypoybuskyboypondo-hikynomenikynomiadamboy (stole that from and old Shirley and Lambchop song. Who´s old enough to remember that?) He wanted to kiss a cockroach named Sue. Sue didn´t want to kiss Tikki (for short. Lets save space and your time. For the students, I repeated the name every occasion I could. They went nuts every time). He had bad breath. So Tikki goes to a dinosaur discoteque where there are tons of fabulous unattached dinosaurs. He tries to kiss about five different dinosaurs of varying colors, but none want to because of his bad breath. Finally he meets Shakira, an incredibly attractive young dinosaur with equally incredible bad breath. The dinosaurs (I use plastic props that I bought at Miejers before coming down here. They come in packs of eight for a buck. Go out and get some.) move in slow motion towards each other as my students hum soap opera music. The dinasours kiss for 2,315.09 years and live happily until they become extinct. The end.

They pay me for this.

Siempre romantico,

Don Pepino

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